LoveYourself Hubs & Clinics
LoveYourself Hubs are safe spaces of our community for different sexual, trans, and mental health services that work for you. To avail of our services, kindly book your APPOINTMENT HERE or VISIT our centers based on their schedules below:
Anglo Hub is LoveYourself’s first owned and operated community center. It offers a wide variety of HIV-related services that are free of charge.
Anglo is a safe space for your sexual health needs that work for you.
For specific services, kindly contact us the following:
Testing – (Smart) 09690288272 | (Globe) 09455013751
Treatment – (Smart) 0960690 4213 | (Globe) 09673158719
*These numbers ONLY responds to calls, NOT texts.
Athena by Love Yourself is a collaboration between LoveYourself, Inc. and AIDS Healthcare Foundation. It caters to clients north of the Greater Manila Area.
Inspired by the Greek goddess – Athena, the Hub aims to provide wisdom to visiting clients about sexual health and trans health. Apart from a variety of free HIV-related services, volunteers also conduct outreach programs and talks.
Contact us at (L) 02-8635 2667; (M) 0967 319 2040 | 0947 570 2467 *This number ONLY responds to calls, NOT texts.
Bagani Community Center, the organization’s second hub in the Visayas, serves as one of the Champion Community Centers in the region. It’s is a collaboration between the staff of LoveYourself and Bagani volunteers. HIV tests are free-of-charge. Staff are warm, friendly, and non-discriminatory.
Contact us at (L) 034-700 2034 | (M) 09674510044. *This number responds to calls and texts.
The Balay Marvi was named after its long-time supporter and partner, former Pilipinas Shell Foundation Inc. deputy executive director, Marvi Trudeau. Being a one-stop shop, Balay Marvi provides differentiated testing approaches, multiple prevention methods, and treatment, support and care. Passers-by can also get free condoms and lube.
Message us on our official Facebook page or call us at 09691836927.
Hero by Love Yourself becomes that first community center of LoveYourself outside the National Capital Region. Since its opening, the Hub has been catering to the sexual health needs of clients in the Southern Tagalog Region.
To avail of our services, please contact us at the following numbers:
Testing – 09567514053
Treatment – 09692056211
Landline – 046-5377549
*These numbers ONLY respond to calls, NOT texts.
Lily by LoveYourself is jointly operated by LoveYourself and Decent Image of South Signal Association (DIOSSA). It’s the second hub of LoveYourself that has transgender health-focused services. Moreover, it’s been a half-way house of people living with HIV who need care and support for a time being. Volunteers also conduct outreach events to cater to more.
Contact us at 09286896422 | 09777969227 | 09516621665.
LoveYourself Uni has reopened in its second location following its closure during the height of the pandemic in 2020. Originally, the hub caters to the young key population hence for its vibrant mural and set up. It can also be a co-working space for volunteers and even to passing-by clients. Uni is powered by Luxecare medical team and LoveYourself volunteers.
Contact us at 0969 482 5826
*This number ONLY responds to calls, NOT texts.
LoveYourself Welcome is open every day except Mondays and Tuesdays. HIV test is free-of-charge. Staff are warm, friendly, and non-discriminatory. It also serves as a co-working space for the community and offers free coffee.
Visits are strictly by appointment only. Kindly book your appointment here.
It is located at 858 Blumentritt Road corner Remedios Street, Sampaloc, Manila. It is near the intersection of Espana and Blumentritt, near Welcome Rotonda.
Phone: 0967 207 1976
LoveYourself White House is open every day except Mondays and Tuesdays. HIV test is free-of-charge. The staff are warm, friendly, and non-discriminatory. It also serves as a co-working space for the community and offers free coffee.
Visits are strictly by appointment only. Kindly book your appointment here.
It is located at 6 Avelino Morales St., Cebu City. It is beside Harold’s Hotel, Nature Spring, and Ralph’s Wine.
Victoria by LoveYourself, formerly known as the Victoria Health and Wellness Center, is the first community center that offers services focused on the needs of transgender persons. Aside from the usual HIV screening and counseling services, the community center will also offer hormone management, and pre-GAS (gender-affirming surgery) assessment and counseling. You can inquire more about these services by inquiring through the hotline below.
The community center is open to provide HIV screening and counseling services to everyone and is also open for hormone replacement therapy consultations per appointment only.
Visits are strictly by appointment only. Kindly book your appointment here.
VLY is located at 2/F Torres Bldg., 2442 Park Avenue, Pasay City, Metro Manila Philippines 1302. The center is along Libertad, Pasay.
Free Doctor’s Consultation* for Hormone Replacement Therapy for TGs
Wednesdays to Sundays.
Hotline: (Globe) 0915 310 7337 | 0936 600 4416
(Smart) 0960 690 4212 | 0910 636 7298
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