The Laboratory

The Laboratory and its Services
The LoveYourself, Inc. Laboratory, a secondary clinical laboratory, aims to provide accessible, reliable, and accurate sexual health-related lab results, primarily for the PLHIV and Pride communities. We envisioned empowered communities through affordable and quality laboratory services, employing the Iniingatan, Inaalagaan, at Inaasikaso brand of service.
To ensure best practice, we provide clinical laboratory testing services under the applicable standards and laws to satisfy clients’ expectations and the requirements of the accrediting and authorized agencies. We also ensure that all equipment related to the testing activities is properly maintained and monitored. Moreover, we ensure that all the laboratory personnel are familiar with and comply with the documented quality system and are competent in performing their assigned duties.
As a safe space in the community, we also provide a conducive and safe working environment with an affirming energy. Here are our competent laboratory personnel:
Head of Operations – Mark-Ryan B. Costales, RN
Head of Laboratory/ Pathologist – Emilio Q. Villanueva III, MD, MSc.
Laboratory Lead – Raecel M. Lipang, RMT
Medical Technologist – Abdulbasir M. Abdulrakman, RMT
Medical Technologist – Nicole Andrey S. Acosta, RMT
Medical Technologist – John David D. Lacanlale, RMT
Medical Technologist – Anita J. Duremdes, RMT
Encoder – Danica O. Cabura
Encoder – Bryan James S. Bueno
As one of the country’s leading HIV care providers, LoveYourself takes pride in its laboratory by offering the most affordable, accessible, and client-centered services.
LoveYourself primarily offers free HIV testing and treatment-related laboratory tests for all its clients, with the support of the Department of Health and PhilHealth. In its vision to cater quality and accessible laboratory tests to more clients, we provide a more comprehensive array of laboratory tests so you can take care of your sexual health and general health more.
Aside from premium HIV service, we now offer laboratory tests under these sections: Blood Chemistry, Hematology, Electrolytes, Enzymes, Hepatitis, Bacteriology, Clinical Microscopy, Serology, and 24-hour Urine Test. Please see the complete offering and price list.