Mental Health

Flourish Circle
The Global Burden of Disease study in 2015 reported an equivalent of 6.3 million cases of Filipinos diagnosed with a depressive and anxiety disorder. For years, the Philippines has advocated to integrate mental health in its healthcare policies. With the enactment of RA 11036 also known as the Philippine Mental Health Law in 2018, Filipinos now have the basic right to psychological wellness.
LoveYourself joins the movement towards responding to the mental health needs of Filipinos with Flourish Circle.”There is a palpable call for help and we will respond, and respond with the very best that we have – our passionate volunteers, lessons learned from past programs, and expert partners.” explained Chris Lagman, LoveYourself Senior Director.
Flourish Circle is an initiative started by a community of peers that aim to provide a safe and affirming space where people can feel listened to, supported, and accepted. Guided by the principles of Internal Family Systems and Mindfulness, the Flourish Circle has trained its first set of Peer Support Specialists who will heed the call for accessible psychosocial support for people undergoing depressive, anxious, and suicidal ideated states.
The Peer Support Specialists started off as people who shared the same vision as the initiative’s founders. With the willingness to be trained, they underwent multiple learning and skills-building sessions, ultimately passing the program’s skills and knowledge-based competencies benchmarking.
Participants of the Flourish Circle are screened using a standardized and evidence supported self-assessment tool to determine appropriateness of the program for the needs of the participant. They must also be able to commit to 12 sessions in the course of several months, and are comfortable sharing in small groups.
We flourish by trying everyday. Today, we can reach out to someone. Join Flourish Circle, a safe space to share your story.