Flourish by LoveYourself and MentalHealthPH pair up once again for #TuloyPH: A Community of Wellness happening virtually on October 30, 2021 to cap off this year’s Mental Health Awareness Month. 

A campaign which started last year, #TuloyPH became an avenue to promote awareness and engagement around managing mental wellness by highlighting various community-based mental health initiatives in the country. This year, advocates and groups will come together in an online gathering to serve as a reminder that when we come together, we can share love and compassion within the community, which makes mental wellness a powerful possibility.

This event serves as a proper culmination to a well-observed mental health awareness month, filled with educating. inspiring, and assuring events and activities like Spoken Word Poetry contest on strength and resilience, Anonymous Tuloy Messages about safe spaces, as well as new episodes of #FlourishHour and Holding Space, all featured on the Flourish by LoveYourself page on Facebook.

Head on to the #TuloyPH events page and join us on an afternoon of performances as we take part in a community of mental wellness.